Valtiberina Toscana: tiber valley near Arezzo, undiscovered part of Tuscany on the border between Umbria and Marche

The name Val Tiberina (Tiber Valley) takes its origins from the river Tevere (Tiber), who borns from Fumaiolo Mountain; Fumaiolo was originally in Tuscany, instead now it is in Emilia-Romagna, after the shifting of the border defined by Mussolini in 1923.
The Tiber Valley is a natural amphitheatre, as Plinio the young, who owned here one of his country villas, called it, sourrended by hills and remarkable heights of Appennino.
The Valtiberina gets the title of “museum-valley”, because of its suggestive landscape where Art, History and Nature mix all together. Natural landscape, dominated by forest in the highest heights and by cultivated fields in declivity near valley and plain, dotted by colonic houses, castles, convents and pievi; different buildings who can witness the social historic fabric.
- Eremo Montecasale 15 minuti
The Valtiberina is also Spirituality, because of the presence before of Camaldolesi monks, very strong in all the valley and for a long time influential in culture, art and politics of this territory and later of S. Francesco, presence testified by numerous Monasteries, Hermitages and Chapels on the line that the Saint, his brothers and pilgrims crossed during the travel from La Verna to Assisi.
- Santuario La Verna
- Madonna del Parto Monterchi
The historic-cultural importance that this valley has covered in centuries is testified and corroborated by the birth in this territory of many illustriuos personalities: the valley is not stranger of their inspiration.
Famous artists born in the Tiber Valley
(Valtiberina Toscana)
Michelangelo Buonarroti, born in Caprese in 1475
Piero della Francesca, born in Sansepolcro around 1420.
Luca Pacioli, mathematician, born in Sansepolcro around 1445
Raffaellino del Colle, painter, born in Sansepolcro in 1495
Santi di Tito, painter, born in Sansepolcro in 1536
Alberto Burri, artist, born in Città di Castello in 1915